7. The Flying Scotsman
🚨All of the 'You Changed My Life, Coach!' posts contain major spoilers 🚨 'The Flying Scotsman' is a 2006 film starring Johnny Lee Miller . Here's the Wikipedia page . The film tells the true story of Graham Obree , an amateur cyclist who broke the world one hour distance record. Also featuring are Billy Boyd from the Lord of the Rings, Brian Cox as a kind of unobtrusive life mentor character, and Steven Berkoff as the bad guy - bringing some of that 'Beverly Hills Cop' menacing energy to the world of international cycling regulation. Johnny Lee Miller is really good in this. He's eccentric, inventive and driven but also likeable. It's an inspirational sports movie sure, but also a portrayal of Graham Obree's struggles with his mental health. The film is fairly small, but that's no bad thing. It's got some nice locations and the main characters are well realised. I thought there could have been a bit more from Graham Obree's wif...